I was drawn to shooting beauty and boudoir portraits after working with families to document pregnancy, newborns, children's milestones, and more, and finding that so many of the mamas I met would shy away from the camera... even while they knew how precious it was to document their loved ones. (I could only see their loveliness but we are often so harshly critical of ourselves.) 

In my view, beauty and boudoir portraiture is about whatever makes you feel feminine and sensual. While I am certainly open to sessions that glam you up or transform you into vintage pin-up or something else that inspires you, most of my beauty work is focused on capturing an authentic version of your best self. Here is where I should probably confess that I don't know much about Photoshop. I will do some subtle editing and color processing to your images, but I will mostly focus on lighting and posing while we're shooting. When you see your final images, rather than ask, "Wow, is that really me?" -- I want your reaction to be, "Wow, that really IS me!" And then do a self-lovin' happy dance.

There are countless reasons to do a beauty or boudoir session. A gift for your partner is, without a doubt, a nice excuse. But it is also a way to take time for yourself, get pampered, and celebrate who you are in this moment. Some women choose to mark a chapter of their lives ending, or another beginning. Or to reward themselves for meeting a goal. Some use a session to remind themselves that they are not just to-do-list-keepers and carpool drivers and work managers, but also wholly interesting women who are sensual and confident. 

So, beauty and boudoir sessions are virtually whatever you want them to be. And that's where the fun begins. Call or e-mail me... I would be honored to learn what you love about yourself and help you capture that in beautiful, authentic images.

Want to know more? E-mail me for a PDF with pricing and preparation tips.

*Photo credit Maureen Cassidy Photography



"I think one of the things I love most about the images you took of me is exactly what you say about reflecting my beauty back to me. I feel kind of weird saying that, because I don't generally see beauty when I look in the mirror... but you really gave a little window to a person I don't usually get to see and that was, is, very empowering."  - J. 


See the beauty in your life.

Celebrate who you are in this moment. 

Capture who you are in modern, expressive images.